Head of the department
It is my pleasure to introduce you to the Department of Political Science and International Relations.
The department offers diverse and industry-relevant courses across different programmes. These programmes are, but not in particular order of importance: Political Science, International Relations, Policy and Strategic studies as well as Public Administration. The aforementioned programmes, are not only offered at the Undergraduate level but also at the Postgraduate level. Their course contents are rich, dynamic, and competitive with a view to meeting global best practices. The department has over the years produced highly resourceful and forward- thinking graduates who continue to make relevant contributions and impact in their chosen fields of endeavour. Our faculty base is involved in Quality Teaching, Cutting Edge Research and Community Development Initiatives. The faculty members in the department have acquired various degrees relevant to the different programmes being offered in the department. Their research endeavours do not only have local relevance but much more have contributed to international debates of germane issues bordering on: Development, Local Government Reforms, Emerging Economies, Democratisation, Election Reforms, Foreign Policy, Public Policy, Institutional Reforms, Conflict Management and Organisational Reforms but to mention a few.
Our vision for the future is in complete alliance with the overall vision of Covenant University for the next seven years. Having contributed meaningfully to the realization of Vision 10:2022, the department is well positioned to contribute to the actualization of Vision 7:2030.

Ms. Foluke Michael
Ms. Foluke Michael in a Selfie with Faculty and Students of PSI
Ms. Foluke Michael, CEO and Project Director of Creative Youth Community Development Initiative (CYCDI) presented a paper titled "Transforming Local Actions into Global Impact through Sustainable Development Goals" at the Town and Gown seminar hosted by the Department of Political Science and International Relations, Covenant University on Friday, 31st January 2020.